Booking Instructions: Registered players
- Select the Social event to book from the Select Offering: dropdown
- Enter your name and Member Number and click Enter
- If details are correct, an eMail address and Mobile No. appear below Display Registration List (optional). If not correct, please contact the Club
- Add any Additional Comments: if required e.g. Play with ...., Pairs only or other message for the selectors
- To display other Registered player bookings, click Display Registration List (optional)
- To NOT display your name in this list, click the Check Box under Terms and Conditions at bottom of page
- All done? --- Click Enter Registration
Booking Instructions: Non-Members / Visitors
- Select the Social event to book from the Select Offering: dropdown
- Select the Visitor checkbox then enter your name and click Enter
- Enter an email address (optional but preferred & used to send confirmation eMail) and phone number (required field)
- Enter information in the comments field. E.g. bowling capability: Beginner, Experienced, Pennant Grade etc., who you wish to play if pre-arranged or other messages for the games organiser
- All done? --- Click Enter Registration
Please ensure you book in before 11:00 am
for afternoon Games
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday Mens' games commence 12:30 pm sharp.